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Who benefits from custom arch supports?

Often, custom arch supports are recommended to either prevent or correct common foot problems, as well as back pain and knee pain. You can likely benefit from high-quality, personalized custom foot supports if you have any of the following:
  • Fallen Arches—although supports can’t correct this condition, they can reposition your foot to improve overall function, decrease stress on knees and back, and lessen the risk of injury.

  • Flat Feet—custom inserts can provide much-needed support to compensate for the natural lack of arches.

  • Arthritis—each of your feet has 33 joints, so that means a lot of cartilage that can potentially become painfully inflamed.

  • Tendonitis—tendons connect your muscles to bones. When they’re inflamed, it causes pain near the joints in various parts of your feet. Tendonitis can be caused by a sudden change in exercise habits or changing heel heights (high heels to flats or vice-versa). Orthotic arch supports can prevent or help tendonitis.

  • Heel Spurs—these are abnormal growths of the heel bone that form when the plantar fascia along the bottom of the foot pulls away from the heel bone. This causes acute pain, especially when standing or walking. Custom inserts can also help alleviate this pain.

  • Bunions—this bony protrusion at the base of the big toe, often aggravated by poorly-fitting footwear, can cause muscle imbalances and loss of stability in the foot.

  • Diabetes—this condition causes neuropathy (loss of feeling), and increases the risk of corns and calluses. These can affect your skin and, left untreated, can cause diabetic wounds. Custom inserts and diabetic footwear can help you avoid this.

  • Shin Splints—severe shin pain is caused by overstressing the tibia bone in the lower front leg and is very common in runners.

  • Stress Fractures—sometimes a crack in one of the bones that extends from your toes to mid-foot can develop, causing pain and swelling.

  • Standing for Long Periods—Long hours on your feet without proper support can cause muscle fatigue and lead to other foot issues. Anyone who is standing for long periods on a regular basis should absolutely consider custom orthotic inserts for their shoes.

Contact us for more information about benefits of custom orthotics, or for more information about repairing or replacing your current orthotics.

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